Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cliche, Don't Judge

About a month ago I was with my older brother and we were driving around town. At the mall we saw a cabin-style restaurant and without looking at the menu we both agreed that it looked good. That's when I got to thinking. How can we decide that something is good, without even looking at the menu? I suppose that the we associate the name of a restaurant or the look of it with what it implies. It reminded me of the South Park episode when the boys go to the Raisins restaurant; all of the boys are like "Wow this is the best restaurant ever!" but Cartman is like, "You guys, we haven't even looked at the menu!" Just a little silly thing that was on my mind. What is your opinion? Should people judge a restaurant by it's outside? Appearance is important (advertising)!

That being said, pre-judging is potentially dangerous! My father watches America's Most Wanted religiously, and sometimes there will be a criminal that looks harmless, there was even a Rabbi on there once! Sometimes in life you have to ignore your first impression and try things out anyways. Otherwise you could be missing out on something wonderful! Just because somebody has tattoos or piercings, doesn't necessarily mean that they are goth kids who listen to Marilyn Mansion, and think only of death and cemeteries (Just look at Britney Spears or Megan Fox!)

Later that night with my brother we decided to rent a movie, and he decided that we should see District 9. I was very unsure about it, it looked like a weird science-fiction, alien, war movie, but in the end I was so happy that he rented it! I recommend it to everybody by the way (well, not children because it is too scary for a child), but if I decided not to see it just because of the cover of the DVD I would have not discovered this wonderful movie!

Take a chance! Don't judge people or things BEFORE you get to know them. It's such a cliche, but "Don't judge a book by it's cover!"

Megan =)

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