Friday, June 25, 2010

Finally, Something I'm NOT Complaining about =P

It is "all the rage" in Japan. It's called Nail Art. =) One day I was on youtube trying to figure out how to paint a perfect french manicure, and low and behold on the sidebar many suggested videos were showing more complicated designs.
That is how I opened my mind to the wonderful world of nail art! =) People do amazing things, paint adorable designs, and even glue little beads or pierce their nails! It is so great! I just HAD to share it with everybody! =)

Megan =)

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Was anybody else as gobsmacked as I was when Twilight beat The Hangover in this year's MTV movie awards? I remember being in school and talking to two girls (before Twilight was HUGE), and they were discussing the book, I asked them what they were talking about, and they replied "Twilight." They gave me a look of horror when I told them that I had no idea what Twilight was. "How do you live? Twilight is the best thing in the world!" I can imagine them now, marking down the days on their Twilight calendar's, waiting for the next movie to come out. Anyways, I just shrugged it off and continued on with my life.
Having forgotten all about it, Twilight slowly became popular, and soon girls all over the school (nerds, and cool kids included) were gabbing about Edward and Bella. Some people even went as far as having Twilight themed birthday cakes, and naming their new puppies after the characters. Being as stubborn as I am, I refused to crack open the book until I received it from my aunt as a Christmas gift. She claimed that it was a good read, and not wanting to disappoint her at the next family gathering I began to read. Not long after that I was at Chapters purchasing the rest of the Saga. It's not because I genuinely cared about the characters, it was more of an itch of curiosity that I had to scratch. I remember putting down the last book, letting out a big sigh. I was disappointed with the ending, yet relieved that I had finished, and was finally free.
Little did I know that Twilight would only get bigger. With the release of the movie I didn't intend to see it. But low and behold, my brother brought it home one day, and since we wanted to stay in and have a family night, we opened a bag of chips and sat in front of the television. Not long after the credits my dad was snoring, his head rolled back, and my mother was already looking around, with something else on her mind. None of us were interested in the movie. I for one was angry that it was nothing like the book. How could they take something so beautifully written and turn it into this?! I asked myself. (I will admit, that I did like the first book.) The movie basically used the characters, and made their own story with those characters. My mother ended up leaving and not watching the full thing, and my brother and I were constantly looking at the clock, wondering when the movie would end. When it finally did end I was happy and announced that I would not be seeing any of the other Twilight movies. That I was finally done. Curiosity, had finally killed that cat (In this case, five lives).

I enjoy the way Stephanie Meyer wrote the first book. I liked it so much, I read every word printed in it. And I think that helped fuel my addiction, because I noticed that she likes the same music that I like, particularly the band "Brand New." I am a person who enjoys words, and prefers the book version to the movie version (in most cases, I guess it depends if I see the movie first, or read the book first), but I love to visualize what words describe. In my opinion, movies cannot express emotion, and certain beauties that words can make you experience.

Okay, enough ranting for one day,
Bye, bye lovelies,
xo Megan =)

Carrie and Mr. Big. Meant to be, or Was She Just Holding Out?

I was watching re-runs of Sex and the City early this week on TV, and they were the episodes when Carrie was dating Aidan Shaw, and also when she was dating Alexander Petrovsky. I happened to notice that Carrie didn't like Aidan from the beginning, nor was she fond of "The Russian." With Aidan she was nit picking a little bit, and by that I am referring to when she screams at him, "What is the matter with you? You are too perfect, how are you still single," in the middle of the street. And with Alexander the first problem was the language barrier, the first time he phoned her she instantly hung up on him telling him that he had the wrong number.
Those relations got progressively worse as they dragged on. Starting with Adian, she was at some kind of convention, and Mr. Big showed up with his wife, Carrie instantly lost her mind, got nervous and spilled hot coffee all over Mr. Big. That later sprang into a saucy affair with the two of them, and I was grossed-out when she slept with Mr. Big, and then Adian in the same un-washed sheets not too long after. For some reason she held on to Adian until she accepted his proposal and tried on a wedding gown. It was obvious her love for him was not as strong as her love for Mr. Big, because she was hiding the ring, or wearing it on a necklace, and she always tried to find ways that they are different, or obstacles in their relationship (kind of like Audrina and Ryan on The Hills).
Next victim, "The Russian." From the beginning they were not right. She is not into art, and art is his career, his life. He can no longer have children, and she decided she wanted to have children as soon as he confessed that to her. There were also complications when Samantha was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and he told her about his friend who had cancer, and died. Never once did I hear him say that Samantha was going to die, but Carrie took it the wrong way and freaked out. And finally Paris. Ah Paris, the place where she and Mr. Big were supposed to get away together, but instead she took the hand of Alexander and flew away with him. Right away she was ignored, and miserable.

Now don't get me wrong, I love Carrie, but when I watch the episodes when she is dating Aidan or Alexander I just get annoyed with her and sick of her constant fighting (like when she is camping with Adian and has a 'cow' about seeing a squirrel, it's nature, she doesn't have to have a heart attack). You can tell that Mr. Big is always in the back of her mind, because she picks fights with every other man randomly accept for him. I know she argues with him as well, but not as nastily as she does with the other men. I think that she was holding out for Mr. Big, just like the character Eddie was holding out for management in the classic christmas movie starring Chevy Chase called Christmas Vacation. =P

I am in no way trying to bash the show, because I adore it. And neither am I saying that relationships don't work when people fight, I am simply saying that because it is a show, it had to go on for a while, and be interesting. The people who were producing it were probably making it hoping for the audience to say "Come on Carrie, you belong with Big!"

Just my thoughts,
Love you plenty,
Megan =)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cliche, Don't Judge

About a month ago I was with my older brother and we were driving around town. At the mall we saw a cabin-style restaurant and without looking at the menu we both agreed that it looked good. That's when I got to thinking. How can we decide that something is good, without even looking at the menu? I suppose that the we associate the name of a restaurant or the look of it with what it implies. It reminded me of the South Park episode when the boys go to the Raisins restaurant; all of the boys are like "Wow this is the best restaurant ever!" but Cartman is like, "You guys, we haven't even looked at the menu!" Just a little silly thing that was on my mind. What is your opinion? Should people judge a restaurant by it's outside? Appearance is important (advertising)!

That being said, pre-judging is potentially dangerous! My father watches America's Most Wanted religiously, and sometimes there will be a criminal that looks harmless, there was even a Rabbi on there once! Sometimes in life you have to ignore your first impression and try things out anyways. Otherwise you could be missing out on something wonderful! Just because somebody has tattoos or piercings, doesn't necessarily mean that they are goth kids who listen to Marilyn Mansion, and think only of death and cemeteries (Just look at Britney Spears or Megan Fox!)

Later that night with my brother we decided to rent a movie, and he decided that we should see District 9. I was very unsure about it, it looked like a weird science-fiction, alien, war movie, but in the end I was so happy that he rented it! I recommend it to everybody by the way (well, not children because it is too scary for a child), but if I decided not to see it just because of the cover of the DVD I would have not discovered this wonderful movie!

Take a chance! Don't judge people or things BEFORE you get to know them. It's such a cliche, but "Don't judge a book by it's cover!"

Megan =)

Friday, June 18, 2010

What's the Problem?

The other day I was bored, on youtube just clicking around videos and I stumbled upon one where a man beats the 60 second cracker challenge, devouring an astonishing 10 crackers in one minute! He just opened his mouth and crammed in five crackers at a time. I couldn't believe my eyes, somebody actually beat the challenge! I was happy until I started to read the comments below. He was angry that somebody had mistaken him for being Canadian. *Pause for reaction* Just in case your parents haven't already warned you, DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON SOUTH PARK! Haha. We may have 'flapping heads,' and call each other 'buddy,' 'fella,' or 'guy,' but we have feelings and are just like Americans. Maybe slightly less glamorous.

The way I see it, we are going through a sort-of 'Justin Bobby-Ryan Cabrera' situation here (for those of you who watch the hills, you get the image I am talking about). You see, America is the laid back, cool looking Justin, and Canada is the embarrassing, but cute, Ryan Cabrera. If you were watching the episode where the two of them meet you know what I mean. In that episode Justin Bobby tried to shake Ryan's hand, but Ryan insisted that he only 'high-fives,' so they ended up having an awkward 'fist-high-five-slap' type thing go on. And who ended up looking like the fool? You guessed it, Ryan Cabrera, AKA: CANADA.

I guess the moral of this blog is that Canada is harmless, and not that bad. I don't see why people should take offense by being called a Canadian. After all, I hear that people in other countries see us Canadians as stereotypically polite beings. =P

Please do not take any of this seriously, it is all just a bunch of creative silliness. Harmless babble. =]

Love, love,
Megan =)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bermuda Triangle


This morning my mother was telling me some of the frightening stories about the Bermuda Triangle, because she was reading about it. If you do not know anything about the Bermuda Triangle I suggest you search it up on Wikipedia or something like that, because it is actually pretty interesting. It is a spot in the Atlantic Ocean where ships and aircraft (PEOPLE) mysteriously disappear. Nobody knows what happens to those people who vanish in the Bermuda Triangle.

Well this got my imagination going, and I thought, wouldn't it be funny if the Earth were actually a living thing, like a creature, and the Bermuda Triangle was the mouth of the creature, and nobody knew about this? How wildly insane would that be?! The Earth is just eating whatever floats by it's mouth, and that's why 'Global Warming' is happening, because the Earth is starving and getting hungry because people are afraid of vanishing therefore avoiding the Bermuda Triangle (A.K.A. the Earth's mouth), so the Earth is starving and getting a fever which equals 'Global Warming.' =P

Just a silly thought...Hehe.

Much Love,
Megan =)



So this is my official first blog entry. My name is Megan and I am a student hoping to be in advertising one day (Until I change my mind in five minutes and decide to stick to being an elementary teacher!!). My best friend is leaving for summer to go on a road trip, so I decided to be productive-ish and start a blog. If people read it, cool, if they don't I guess it will be like a journal for me? Haha. And for haters, or people who generally dislike it/me, that's nice. I decided to name my blog "coffee no cream" because that's how I drink my coffee, black, without cream, sometimes with 'Splenda,' or if I'm really being a rebel or feeling jazzy I will order something complicated from 'Starbucks.' I just thought I would let the world know that because one day when I was ordering my black coffee the man working at the shop was baffled that I ordered it that way and STILL put cream in my coffee, so I had to go back to the place and tell him that I drink my coffee black, with no cream. =P It's a goofy story, and if you like goofy stories, well tune in because that is the story of my life, everyday something ridiculous is said or done.

Much love,
Megan =)